Monday, August 2, 2010

Cast Post: Laura Edoff

I believe that when I look back on this summer, I will remember it as, 'The Summer of Sweat'. With the unbelievable heat wave and humidity, riding my bike from South Philly to North Philly for rehearsals four/five days a week, and then the rehearsals themselves, I don't think I've sweat this much in my life. Gross - I know - but I'm starting to understand that by living in Philly during the summer months, this is just a fact of life. To reveal even more, I kind of like it...

The first hour and a half of rehearsal is reserved for our physical training, and after that hour and a half of running, jumping, rolling, and literally sliding across the floor (due to the sweat, of course), I feel completely refreshed. As the sweat leaves my body, so do the toxins, both mental and physical. I feel that I am in the best shape I have ever been in, and nothing feels better, except for one thing. And that one thing has to be the connection that is held within the group. Most of us have worked together now for over a year, and the trust and understanding we have in each other is incredible. During the physical training, no one even needs to speak as we move through the warm-up. By looking at each other directly in the eyes, and being open to everyone's energy, the movements and activities flow smoothly, never faltering.

We are very lucky to have had this chance to be together for so long and to really connect. Not just creatively, but emotionally and mentally. We have been able to share with each other our deepest secrets, and laugh together about the most ridiculous things, all without judgment. It is a rare and beautiful thing, and even when I get frustrated and confused, which has been happening a lot lately for me, I wouldn't change this experience with my fellow company members for the world.

We already have a lot of material and have begun to weave pieces together. With still over a month of strenuous rehearsals left, I can't wait to see how this show will come together for our two week run in September.

- Laura Edoff

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